Saturday 21 December 2013


What does Christmas signify to you? What do you see as the reason for Christmas? The Christmas story has taken up various forms over the years in different parts of the world. But, the one story that has never changed is the story given in the Bible. It has come to be referred to as the Christmas story.
Although various people have given other stories about Christmas, this story has never changed. It has survived through the years, without being changed. This story is an important part of the Christmas season for various reasons. However, as years have rolled into decades and millennia, this value of this story has been reduced as people all over the world have refused to share this story and pick out the worth. But, why is this story important at all? What does a story about a boy born in a manger and shepherds coming to visit him have to do with us? Let’s look at six reasons why this Christmas story is important. The Christmas story is…
… A Story That Has Endured…
For two millennia, people have told of the child in a Bethlehem manger; of angels who announced his birth to shepherds; of learned men who traveled a great distance to view him. That a story persists for many years does not make it true. Santa Claus and the tooth fairy have both survived in the minds of children for many decades. But a twenty-century tenure at least merits our consideration. What deep human longings does the Christmas story portray? Why has it connected so profoundly with millions of people?
…A Story of Hope…
Jesus’ society knew pain and oppression. Ruled by the Romans in their own land, the Israelites were not new to torments and sorrow. Their tax collectors burdened them. Some religious leaders even permitted the beating of Jewish citizens participating in mandatory religious activities. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled a long distance to Bethlehem to register for a census but could not obtain proper lodging. Mary bore her baby and laid him in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. Eventually, King Herod sought to kill the baby. Warned of impending risk, Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt, then returned home after Herod's death. Imagine how Mary felt. Traveling while pregnant would be challenging. Fleeing to another nation lest some king slay your son would not be pleasant. Yet she, Joseph, and Jesus survived the ordeal. In the midst of social and cultural challenges, the Christmas story offers hope and encouragement toward survival, hope of new life linked to something—someone—greater than oneself. One of Jesus' followers said Jesus' "name . . . [would] be the hope of all the world."
…A Story of Peace and Goodwill…
A popular Christmas carol says “Good will from Heaven to earth begin and never cease”. Other Christmas carolers sing of "peace on earth." Greeting cards extol peace, families desire it, and the news reminds us of its fleeting nature. The Christmas angel announced to some shepherds, "'Don't be afraid! . . . I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the city of David!" A crowd of angels then appeared praising God and proclaiming peace among people of good will. The Christmas story gives peace that will soothe an anxious heart and goodwill that we all crave.
…A Story of Family…
Christmas presents a time for family members all over the world to come together and celebrate the joy the season brings. Joseph and Mary had their share of family challenges. Consider their circumstances. The historical accounts indicate that Joseph's fiancĂ©e became pregnant though she was a virgin. Mary believed an angel told her she was pregnant by God. However, Joseph didn’t and decided to break off their engagement secretly so as not to cause Mary public humiliation. Yet, Joseph followed instructions when the angel spoke to him and cared for his family. His continuing commitment to Mary and Jesus played a significant part in the boy's birth and early childhood. With God's help, the family overcame major obstacles. And so can your family.
…A Story of Humility…
When kings, presidents, and other rulers appear in public, great pomp often ensues. From a biblical perspective, God came first not as a ruling king but as a servant, a baby born in humble circumstances. His becoming human helps humans identify with Him. Paul, an early follower of Jesus, wrote of the humility Jesus displayed by becoming human: “Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal's death on a cross. Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven.”
…A Story of Love…
Jesus’ followers believed the biblical God wants us to enjoy friendship with Him, and meaning and purpose. Alas, our own self-centeredness separates us from Him. Left to our own, we would spend both time and eternity in this spiritually unplugged state. Jesus came to help plug us into God. Mary's baby was born to die, paying the penalty for our self-centeredness, which the biblical documents call "sin.” Jesus explained, "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." God can become your friend if you believe in Him, that is, if you trust Him to forgive you. He will never let you down.

  Possibly, you are now seeing the significance of this Christmas story in your life, family, career, academics and every other area. Why not accept the beautiful things this Christmas story has to offer, and spend this Christmas knowing you are fully part of God’s family? Christmas is meant to celebrate peace and joy. Amidst the busyness of shopping, parties, presents, and fun, remember that the Prince of Peace came to spread peace and joy to all who believe in Him. May goodwill henceforth always be in your life.

Merry Christmas,
Praise Oluwarinu. ♥☺

Hello There Darlings... :)

Hi there! 

Welcome to the diary that lives and walks. I'm Praise, that diary that has now gone online. I wouldn't describe myself as a blogger, but I'm the one with the stories-both true and false. We all love stories so much we forget to check out how real they are. Well now, you'll be so engrossed in them you'll forget they are stories.
I have nothing more to say than welcome for now. Thanks for checking this out. I promise to keep you updated on the world of love and hate, laughter and sorrow, peace and chaos. :)

Yours' Sincerly,
Mobile Diary.
Twitter: @MzRynu; Skype: Rynu.Oluwarinu